After work last night we hit up the Hare and Hounds Pub just round the corner from DWHQ where there’s a monthly night of awesomeness called 8-Bit Lounge – retro computer arcade games and beer. After a hard days drifting, this is the perfect wind down!
Street Fighter 2: Turbo was popular, but not as popular as….
Mortal Kombat!! Yes!!!
Phil was working hard, but James clearly knew all the combos off by heart.
Then it was Bon’s go. Bon is the button mashing MASTER, a skill that allows him to type stupidly quickly only using his index fingers. Really.
All of a sudden, Kam runs off and find himself with an original copy of Track and Field!
If your not familiar – it’s a game where you basically furiously waggle a joystick around to make your character do various athletic events. The results are physically hilarious.
Not a bad attempt….
Then it was time unleash the BonRage which was unbeatable at the 100m sprint.
Many, many pints later we eventually ended up playing ‘Miss World: Nude Edition’, which was seriously the funniest game I’ve ever seen. Look it up and regard the awesomeness.
Big thanks go out as always to Leon and the 8-Bit Lounge crew for making this world of awesomeness happen 🙂
We’ll be having another DW social very soon, so we’ll be sure to report back with more drunken ramblings.
Sonic Booooooooooooom 🙂
lol, you guys sure do live a life of lux! Mortal combat; possibly the best game ever made 🙂
No Waaaay, track and field + draught beer, why isn’t that place packed 😀
Wicked. Being near Bon Concentrating must be intense. Did he make the computer catch fire ?
Which day of the month is it on?
im going in search for my snes now for some Mortal Kombat awesomeness!!!
I don’t know what’s sadder, the fact that you think we’d be interested in what you do at the pub, or the fact that we all are very interested. I wish my local was cool enough to have 8-bit game night. But being in London it would be full of dicks (see hipster thread).