I thought the 4-door Skyline owners might appreciate this sick looking R32 I stumbled upon whilst browsing through みちのくグランド – Michinoku Grand – .
The car was parked up at the recent JCCA New Years meet in Odaiba. The styling and wheel fitment is on point!
Yes please!
Perfect 4 door R32, oh how I wish they wern’t so extortionate to insure 🙁
P.S Don’t write ‘on point’ – makes you sound like those murderers of the english language Antonio Alvendia and (even worse) Lindbergh haha 🙂
Apologies, I work with Antonio Alvendia so it rubs off on me from time to time haha.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by jdmsociety and garagelsd, Driftworks LTD. Driftworks LTD said: This 4-Door R32 looks mean as hell! https://fb.me/SURvnIQm […]
Seriously cool!
looks dope! but whats up with the terrible roll job on the fender?
hey does anyone know how much the build was? (to make it 4-door) thanks
You do know they made 4 door skylines from the factory right? Right.
Is it wrong to get a boner over that?