Well this is my first official blog post on Driftworks’ Blog Channels. I’ll be sharing lots of my content between DW and my own company website Garage-D in the future, so why not open with something special? With meeting Paul Vlasblom (Driftking.nl) over in Holland little over a month ago and him taunting me to […]
Tag: ebisu
G1GP at Ebisu
The Gaijin drift series, populated with lots of Australian dudes, Paul Vasblom and Julian Smith. Wicked. I spotted Julians red 180SX at 1:21. […]
Missiles playing in the rain.
Quiet today in the office, we just had a big meeting with Bob about AwesomeFest 2011 regarding tickets and stuff which we will announce soon so we’ve all be gathered round the meeting room here at DWHQ, so in the mean time SEC on the Forum found this gem; Two dudes ripping on a totally […]
AE86 ripping hard at Ebisu
I don’t know if it’s the McDonalds / Bunta Fujiwara cup holder, or the fact that he misses the wall completely and drifts the pit area, but there is something intensly satisfying about this little clip. 🙂 […]
Ebisu: One you probably havn’t seen… but should.
There are a few awesome pro videos doing the rounds at the moment, but digging around the internets usually rewards the persistent. This looks waaaay fun. Featuring some rarely seen onboards… […]
Diago Saito’s jump… from another perspective.
Diago just sent this to us on Facebook. Ridiculous!! And if you’re on Facebook – there is yet another one from the far grand stand here! […]
In the grand scheme of things…
… we still have a bit of a catch up still to do as a continent of drifters. Watch and learn… […]
Drifting isn’t all about winning.
It’s about having fun. And winning, sometimes. […]