Random Snap: Mallory Park paddocks.

The FCD:MP drift day at Mallory Park circuit looked like it went down a great success yesterday. I wanted to get up there to grab some photos myself but sadly couldn’t make it. Fortunately there’s always good bunch of photographers that regularly attend the days, and James Gascoigne from The Corolla Brotherhood was there snapping […]

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Ladies Only Drift Day – Saturday March 5th!

With the success of the first ladies only drift day at Santa Pod last year, Lozza has decided to organise another! If any lady drifters want practice, or girls (or if you’re a guy reading this, your girlfriend/wife/female friends) who want to give drifting a go for the first time – this is a great […]

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Dan Chapman and Luke Fink at Mallory Park

A very enjoyable short film from Josh Allen who co-films with me on JDM Allstars events. Featuring the antics of Dan and Luke at Mallory Park. Remember, you can go on the amazing Mallory Park days too, check out the events section of the Driftworks Drifting Forum for more practice days than you can get […]

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