
  1. Dutchie

    Dutchies E36 Compact | Practice car on plates

    Just a basic introduction, So, recently bought a new daily (E46 320i sedan), and as the other E46 drift car I have is loud as fuck and isn't allowed on practice days, I decided to convert my last daily to a drift car. Has some supporting mods already (as I already knew it would end up as a...
  2. J

    Been asked many times before but bear with me...

    Looking at getting a learner to drift in next August (I'll have 1 years NCB, 18 y/o etc) and am solidly settled on an E36 compact currently. Insurance on a 316 is just about affordable for me but no chance at all for a 318ti (was quoted like £4k+). So has anyone actually tried/succeeded in a...
  3. M

    is a 1.6 bmw driftable?

    just wondering if a 1991 1.6 bmw 316i Lux is driftable. it will be striped and have a set of coilies on it.... is the 1.6 engine going to be powerful enough? if not what needs to be done? im limited to a 1.6 due to the amount of money insurance companies want. i am willing to put a 1.8 in it but...