
  1. K

    Wanted SR20DET Nismo 740cc injectors

    Anyone selling any? Cash waiting.
  2. K

    Nismo injectors from Ebay (Japex LTD)

    Morning, I'm looking to buy 740cc Nismo injectors. https://www.google.co.uk/aclk?sa=l&ai=DChcSEwixpNOX6KrcAhVBExsKHR9pBQYYABAJGgJ3bA&sig=AOD64_0R-L_bbuik6nqy1bxDvk6AC9-7lA&ctype=5&q=&ved=0ahUKEwiw6c-X6KrcAhXIKewKHQx6CqcQ2CkIQQ&adurl= Has anyone heard of Japex LTD before? Kishan
  3. W

    Deautschwerks 740cc injectors Rb25det

    Rb25 740cc injectors like new did two events in my skyline and then my engine decided to blow ringlands Paid 780 new £550 Ono
  4. S

    Wanted 740cc nismo injectors

    I dont mind any injectors as long as there bigger then the 740cc nismo injectors and have the same spray pattern. (I dont want a single nossle injector)
  5. S

    Wanted sr20det forged engine and gearbox, 740cc injectors,

    hi im looking for a forged sr20det with or without over sized piston or stroker, i dont mind as long as it is running and i can see engine running, with 740cc injectors or bigger. i dont need turbo but twin scroll set up is welcome