
  1. JDMEmergencyLeo

    Toyota Crown UAE Version LHD Restoration

    So it's kinda Weird to see such a car here. I had some cars that you can drift and that is probably the one that you don't expect to do such an entertainment. Anyways since stock the car had 115 HP Carb 2.8 inline 6 5M engine. Yeah the 2.8 engine that has 115hp. The Car was bought to replace my...
  2. dougie1142

    Junction Produce VIP/Bippu Stuff..

    Hi there. I'm currently in the process of setting up a new company, showcasing the vast UK scene from all styles of cars and driving. However we're looking to get a lineup of products and companies on board to sell, so i'm gathering some useful info and thoughts! I'm wondering if anyone would...