
  1. N

    Na6 duce'd.

    Hey all, I'm Luke! I run a UK 1991 1.6 115HP 5 :) I recently, well, 3 months ago now killed my first 5 on my local track because, I suck. A month or so being lost without a car, I managed to buy Greg's, he might be on here somewhere! Since then, a few things have been changed, but for now...
  2. mint

    Minty.Fresh MX5 MFNA801 Kit - Gundam Aero

    MX5 Drift / Hovercraft style Kit Afternoon All, Right figured id pop this up here and see what if any there is an interest. Please Note : AT THE MOMENT - THIS IS NOT A GROUP BUY! A Member named Gav on MX5Nuts posted up a thread asking if anyone was keen for this, however I dont think it...