
  1. K

    Wanted S14a Vertex style sideskirts

    Does anyone have any S14a Vertex sideskirts for sale? Doesn't matter if they're a little damaged. I can patch it up as long as it's nothing major. Thanks!
  2. T

    Wanted S13 (Car modify wonder) Glare sideskirts

    Hello, looking for glare 180sx/240sx sideskirts from car modify wonder
  3. I

    WANTED - chuki sides

    heyaaaa im looking for s13 chuki side skirts, i know they are hard to find, at least im having a lot of problems finding it. im ok with replicas as well... can anyone help out? thanks
  4. JoeS13

    Wanted Sideskirts/other bodywork

    After a set of sideskirts, only something cheapish dont mind a bit of damage! Anyone selling anything?