Hi guys have a whole set up for sale, was running this kit on a rb25det s13. Selling due change of set up.
- Owen development custom GTX3071r-HTA with tial exhaust housing used around 1000miles
£1200 ono
- Tial wastegate 38mm MVS
£150 ono
- Nistune ecu for rb25det spec 1/2 mapped at 1.15bar...
For sale I have a genuine Tial F38 38mm external wastegate with a screamer pipe and extra flange
also have a ca18det manifold with the flange for the wastegate
It's in silver and I've used it for about 2 hours from new so is in really good condition.
£150 ono
can collect from near...
I have this sat doing nothing as I'm no longer going to be running an SR so needs to go. All of the items brand new in boxes ready to put together.
I'm after £950 for it all. The manifold is Japspeed and the lines are from circuit sports in the USA.
Also have a brand Tial 38mm wastegate which...