Advan wheels on Ebay

You can squeeze a +8 offset on a 9.5j under stock, but worked S14 arches (rolled under, liners removed, loom re-routed etc) if youve got the cahones to go at it with a hammer an such. 225/235 i think is the tyre size needed on +8, obviously depending on camber setup..

So they should fit nicely, may require some modification..

they're not that cheap.... £230 is pretty damn good. would've had em myself if they were 9J
havent you got some " similar" ones on the black thing of yours mate?
i saw you pass my house(friday) while i was elbow high in grease taking engine out of a 605 turbo, for me 205! lol but soon to have a s13 when insurance will let me!
