AE86 seat frames for sale


Will fit Recaro SR and bride Brix with no adapters or pretty much all Bride and Recaro seats with adapters from bride. Cost over 200 quid a side
Drivers side has been modded to make it as low as poss. Passenger is standard and brand new
£250 the pair.
Alex, me me....... assume they r side mount. but what adaptor?? :confused: could you drop it off to Glen and let me have a look please. coz i just order the driver side and i need passenger side and my m8 needed the driver side.

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Kenny, nope bottom mount, not a problem though because you can just get the adpaters I think Demon tweeks sell them or I can get Bride ones from japan if you tell me the seat type.
Sure we can sort out a deal if you do want them :thumbs: