Any Videographers Looking for Exposure in Motorsport?


As above,

I am currently looking to enlist the services of a videographer who is keen to get involved in an other motorsport to drifting.

Basically i work for a BTCC team and over the years we have had loads of "professional" media people on board to shoot some videos etc throughout the season and in my opinion they have left alot to be desired compared to what can be achieved.

I myself have been involved in cars and drifting since far before i started working in motorsport and i have watched probably way too many videos over the years both drifting and general extreme sports. I am trying to show the boss that we are missing a trick with the kinds of videos us and the BTCC in general are putting out. This is why i am hoping to find someone who is keen to get involved and see what we can do.

As far as my boss is concerned its a unknown quantity so hes perfectly fine with me doing this but not prepared to use the limited budget on it. If someone was keen to get involved then obviously the media and paddock passes etc would be provided and if the videos would be shared on both our facebook pages, the btcc page(most likely), the possibility of exposure for your company on the truck/car etc.

As for what kind of videos etc, im totally open to whatever ideas pop up and happy to discuss them with anyone interested.

Theres loads of options we could talk through and this is only a general rambling of an irishman just to see if there is anyone who would be interested.

Any questions just ask, and feel free to fire me a PM if interested or if you want my mobile number to have a chat about it.

I know its all a bit vague but ive tried to get the main points across and i can answer any questions you have.
