Anyone near Telford going to be bored tomorrow and fancy getting their hands dirty?


Active Member
I'm wondering if I can get enough people round to my house to go billy-ho on my S13 and get the following done in ONE day :

  • Engine out, sump off, check BE bearings, reseal leaking sump, refit engine
  • Changing clutch while engine's out
  • 5-stud conversion
  • Fitting S14 front brakes
  • Fitting Z32 rear brakes
  • Fitting oil cooler
  • Fitting seam-welded subframe (solid alloy bushes)
  • Maybe rolling arches to fit 10" wide rear wheels :wack:

The only thing I can promise is lots and lots of tea, coffee, diet coke, beer, bacon sarnies, sausage sarnies etc... IE, no cash, just food and drink. :D

It's a long shot, I know, but if you don't ask you don't get and I'm sick of looking at all the parts in my garage, and I could really do with most of this lot on for the 24th practice day :wack:


I've asked on the SXOC too to maximise my chances!
Well my car is off the road, but if anyone passes my house i would be more then happy to come and help out for the day :) could do that list on my own in half a day ;)
I live in Halewsoen which is M5 Juction 3, i could get a life most of the way if someone was passing the m6 or something and come up to help.
i also have a £25 36mm socket for getting the rear hubs off ;) Did the five stud conversion a few weeks ago, so i'm pro at it now :)

rear axle off job is going to be the time consuming part of that.

BE should be a walk in the park :) (if i can get the sump off) done it many times,

Got the proper sealent too to fix it back on.

woohoo 4 post in a row, i need to learn that edit button :)
I don't have the parts to do the BE, just wanted to check them when the sumps off - got to take the sump off cos it's leaking oil and getting worse...

If you can't get a lift, I might be able to pick you up :wack:
Class, nothing like getting pissed while working on someon else S13 :) lol

Yeah, but checking them is basicly the same as changing them :) i can get a set for £23 ;) may be worth changing them anyways :)
LOL, hope you're not pissed while working on my S13 :D

There's only a couple of pissers - my garage looks like a bombs hit it, and tools are scattered all over the shop and I have no big lights for the evening so we're restricted to daylight hours...

Can you get a set of BE for £23 tomorrow? :wack:
would need to know what sizes we needed i'm afraid.

I have a massive flood light on a stand :)

I have a massive tool box that i can bring along :)
LOL, you want picking up from somewhere? I'm going to be starting early btw - I'll be on the drive by 8am... Unless I get pissed tonight, in which case it'll be 9 :wack:
There'll be a coupla dudes off the SXOC there too - mates that live in Telford, we always work together on the cars... You met one of them when we came down to Zoom to get the diffs welded - remember, you fitted his diff to the case and onto his car!
Don't remember that shit, don't mess with S13 :)

Oh yeah it comes back to me now, i recall bodging someones s13 up good, it fell of yet, lol :)

Lucky you guys paid otherwise i wouldn't remember you :) mahaha

working well then? the diff that is?
Yep, both diffs are working fine, although my neighbours are getting pissed off that S13s keep drifting into our road :wack:
welded diffs rule.

So when we doing this, i think we will need some help to get it all done tbh. I'm guessing you have a nice four poster ramp at yours ;) lol
PMSL, I have a Halfords trolley jack and 2 axle stand set :wack:

Well, I'm hoping to at least start it all tomorrow - I'm not expecting to get that lot done in a day, but if the car's halfway there by tomorrow night I'll be happy :D

I'm itching to get the new alloys on, cure the oil leak, stop the clutch slipping and give it some death!

There'll be 4 of us total at the moment, assuming you come...