Apple Iphone version 1.1.4 all unlocked


As above have 2 of these really but only want to sell one...

got all cable and box etc etc first gen so all is free if you havea Pay and Go sim, all apps are stuff alike are free

Best offer around £235 takes it:thumbs:
how do you unlock them i need one unlocked bud do you know any one that does them?
is it the 2G one or the 3G?

what version software is it? 2.0.1?? or 1.1.4 or lower?
Its the version where everything is Free 1.1.4 all apps etc as the 2.0.1 you have to pay for apps etc

its 8gb and 2G other wise id want alot more then £235 a peice if they where the 3G ones, both jailbroken and unlocked for free apps
well i think different but oppinions are good :D

best phone you can do and will never really get boring as you can just keep downloading stuff for free that you need to pay for so has its up and downs
Copy of iphone lol

same as most gadgets, once one company brings something out every other company copies and the price........JEEEEEZ
Copy of iphone lol

same as most gadgets, once one company brings something out every other company copies and the price........JEEEEEZ

price:smash: ive got a brand spanker and only want £300 as the reveiws said its everything the iphone should of been :wave:
no im not saying your price is bad but ebay £475 WTF and it is a copy of the iphone, my dads got one and is selling that too as he said its poor