I've been toying with the idea recently of ditching the S13 and getting an E30 instead, but whilst browsing ebay I came across these bargains, and thought I should share them in case anyone is after a cheap project, or even a daily driver.
Unfinished 335 conversion
Tidy looking 325i 130k No T&T, Buy It Now of £500
Front end damage, £9.99 no reserve
Another front ender, this time black and 99p no reserve
White 318iS Coupe, No reserve
320 with 325 engine, needs welding, £100 no reserve
Unfinished 335 conversion
Tidy looking 325i 130k No T&T, Buy It Now of £500
Front end damage, £9.99 no reserve
Another front ender, this time black and 99p no reserve
White 318iS Coupe, No reserve
320 with 325 engine, needs welding, £100 no reserve
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