Big DW forum update for 2017


Staff member
Hi all,
just giving people a heads up that we've been working hard in the background and we're almost ready with a major update to the Driftworks Forum.
It's been a long time coming and we've known the forum needs some love for a while now.... but we're pretty confident that this update will bring things right up to date, sort out any usability issues we've been having and will make it much easier to find things, share things and check out all the good stuff going on.

Here's some teaser images of our progress and testing so far to give an idea of what's on the way :)

We'll have a much more visual format where the good stuff will stand out and it's easy to see at a glance what's current


Adding and posting images will be super easy


Longer posts like build threads can be split up into chapters with significant points highlighted using threadmarks


Regular forum sections will have thumbnails to preview the content (either auto-generated or one you choose)


Special forum sections like the projects and builds will have a funky visual magazine style layout


and it'll all work nicely on whatever you're viewing it on so the mobile experience will be massively improved and you won't need to use tools like tapatalk in order to use the forum on your mobile without tearing your hair out..


In addition to this, the search function is getting an overhaul and there will be loads of other stuff made a whole lot better.
We're pretty excited and wanted to share the progress with you guys. We'll keep you updated once we have a date in mind, but it will be soon :)

Good news. It was starting to feel as though the forum had been forgotten about.
Looking forward to the update.

Also, if you find the time, could you change my username to GethinD

no offence or whatnot...but the forum isnt going to be an all white background? because im probably not the only one who likes the dark background...easier on the eyes. everything else looks to be good with what your doing though.
no offence or whatnot...but the forum isnt going to be an all white background? because im probably not the only one who likes the dark background...easier on the eyes. everything else looks to be good with what your doing though.

That's not offensive, it's constructive.
+1 for liking the dark background, maybe you can implement an option to switch between a light and dark scheme?
+2 for the dark scheme. I've been on forums with White Backgrounds and I frankly can't spend any time on them, far too tiring on the eyes.

Otherwise, great work guys! I appreciate the changes and the work that's gone into it :D
Cheers guys.
We're kicking off very shortly and I do hear you, but we'll be getting the first phase of the main migration work done with this single light style just for the sake of bringing some simplicity to an otherwise very complex project. Then it'll be an ongoing process for a few weeks while we hone it and introduce or drop features until we've got something that works really nicely and that we can all be proud of again :)