BMW 525iSE LPG Auto/Tow car


Raging Alcoholic
Advertising for a mate (MickeyB ZworX R33)

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Find BMW 525i SE Auto, Lpg, Duel Fuel, Economical on eBay within, BMW, Cars, Cars, Parts Vehicles (end time 24-Nov-07 20:14:10 GMT)

I've used this car a couple of times, most recently i took my skyline on a trailer to Garage-D, in total i did about 255 miles mostly at about 65/70mph with the car on both there and back, It used £23 worth of LPG!!! I used over £25 worth of petrol going there and back in my '06 1600cc Astra the other day!!!

What else is there to say!!

21 hours to go??

Wasn't that a shit dance track!! :D

(I know it was seconds, i actually feel more sad to remember that)