border harness's


Active Member
can you guys get them in??

pref a 5 point in green but consider anything tbh.

silly q does the 5 harness point secure to the cars floor or the seat rail??
yeah, luke 5 and 6 point are no problem.

We'll have some nice new harnesses on offer pretty soon so watch this space, hopefully we'll have some more details on those early next week :)
yeah, 4, 5 and 6 point in 3" :nod:

Border, only guy I know was Ares, but I believe there have been a good few disgruntled customers and I believe he folded that business. Think I heard he had started a new one up but... I dunno.... not very confidence inspiring..
cool, is it going to be like dw own brand or similar?? will they be fia aproved??

think i may hang on couple weeks then, btw whats price of a luke 5 point??
They will be Orange, fully FIA approved, well priced and of a very high spec and quality :smokin:
Saw a sample on Friday and they are going to be awesome :cool:

5 point Luke is a couple of quid cheaper than the 6 point
We're still negotiating the prices at the moment, but it's looking like we can provide the same kind of prices as the Luke ones, but offer a better product