Cable tied front bumper


Active Member
Having just had my little off :wack: i thought it would be a good idea to cable tie my front bumper on to stop any more wing damage.

I`m just after abit of adivce on how to do it and to find out if anyone knows where i can get some eyelets to put in the holes i drill.

I have an S13 and the part i`m not sure about is the four top bolts and the bottem plastic four (radiator), staright swap :confused:

Cheers for any help :thumbs:
not much point in using zipties on a standard bumper. the idea is with a fibreglass bumper instead of the top being solid and the bottom getting ripped clean off the whole thing detaches and slides along undamaged.
dented wings are cool too, mine were hella bent from the bottom of the bumper catching the road. from the front it looks like I've got over fenders! haha
Im not convinced that cable tying an S13 bumper would lessen the damage an impact would have on an S13. The way the bumper mounts is such that there is a vertical join between the panels. On an S14, the join is horzontal, so if you hit something, the bumper slides back snapping the zip ties in the process and then drops off. Thats whats happened to me anyway... On an S13, the impact would knacker the wing anyway as the join is going the wrong way... The Zip ties may snap, but if they do, it would take a big impact IMHO.
Matt_S said:
The Zip ties may snap, but if they do, it would take a big impact IMHO.

i don`t think i`ll bother with this idea, i had a big impact and it didn`t do to much and hopefully it won`t happen again :wack:

Cheers for the advice :thumbs:
mine is cable tied on my s14 its taken a few hits and broken the mountings, saves braking it anymore when it gets hit again
Matt the cable tie idea is more when you traveling sideways/backwards and the bumper grabbing on stuff and ripping clean off rather than tearing it to pieces :thumbs: