Car transporting/trailing?


Hello everyone
Quick question really..for those that have to trail to and fro events..i don't know anyone that does this service..who do you guys use? It's the biggest issue I'm trying to get by for events and would love it if someone knew where to get help for this. Massive thanks for any help.
Yeah Leicester sorry I've seen you can hire out a transporter which is what I'm going for I think i just hope this is a feasible way? Thanks for your help so far.
It's going to be more cost-effective if you just purchased your own in the long run. Depending how many events you're planning to attend it's gonna cost you an absolute fortune just get your the vehicle to and from.
Definitely, I won't lie this is my first event and I've always put off going just because of transport..I figure I'll hire one out this time and future plans are to look into that..only thing that bothers me with that is licensing and such but I know it's a quick Google search away so I will definitely look into it thanks mate.
I keep my car road legal for this reason. But you can use a beaver tail on normal license or do trailer license if you don't fancy buying a beaver tail

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I really regret not doing this sooner when my car was road legal for sure.. A licence may have to be the way to go for future thanks mate one to look into aswell.