couple of s13 drifts

Hi all done a drift evening at a local track to me Wednesday and thought I would share some photos, fair amount of spinning and some cone munching but I'm slowly getting there lol managed to make some transitions by the end of the evening which i couldn't do before.

sadly going to have to raise my car if i want to go back as it is too low for the bumpy track :( either that or i take a man up pill and just get on with it bumpy lol :smash:

We're abouts was said drift day ? Cool pics btw , nice lookin 13 , don't raise it though , just man up lol
Thanks, I thought they used the oval track on Wednesday nights but had separate dates for drifting on the car park track? I will the 21st but Ill put the September date on my calendar!
Thanks, I thought they used the oval track on Wednesday nights but had separate dates for drifting on the car park track? I will the 21st but Ill put the September date on my calendar!

Tbh I'm only going off the trojan international website so may well be different dates for the car park. ?
S13 looks cool man, good work. Is Matchems in the evening or during the day? all so do you know if I need to contact Julie to get a spot for this??