Diff refurb



I have been told that I have a kazz 2 way diff in my s13, but I'm getting really bad clunking. Had everything apart the other day and it doesn't seem to be the driveshafts or the propshaft, so I can only assume it's something wrong with the diff...

Is there any way it can be refurbed?

Cheers, John
Hi John,

Can you describe the clunking? Have you actually taken the diff apart? I'd say if it's rotational clunking it won't be the Kaaz, ring and pinion will be shot.
Hi, it's clunks when you turn a left hand bend, however if you turn a left hand bend with the power really on, it doesn't.
Also it clunks when you step on and off the acc Pedel, like a lashback kind of feel.
Finally, if your going down the road with the power on and you let off, it constantly knocks with the tempo depending on the speed your going. Faster-more.

I had it all apart over over my mates put the other day, and everything looked fine. Just couldn't really tell with the diff as it's all enclosed. It's very odd...
You need to take everything apart and look.
Main parts to note are CV joints, bushes, backlash in the diff, drivetrain mounts etc...

I doubt its the diff, but if it is, rebuild kits are available.