Does anyone have drifting go pro footage?


New Member
Hey everyone does anyone have any drifting footage from a go pro that I can use for a channel? We can talk more about the credit and everything later if you have any footage you're willing to lend. pleeeease let me know i really need some footage!
I have a little bit from yesterday's skid risk but not looked at it yet, never mind moved files off camera!! I'm sure it won't be anything spectacular just a bit of in car mounted to windscreen
I'll be running a GoPro at DWYB this Wednesday along with a data-logger and gyro so hope to produce some footage with data overlay which you'd be welcome to use. I'm hoping we can get some good data for drift angle, yaw, pitch and roll. Not expecting drift angle to be that accurate as you really need a dual GPS antenna system.

This is the sort of thing, using a Speedbox INS which is very specialised and around £12k
