cart track Pembrey 11-12th June
Here we go again Going to just have as much seat time as we can give you ,A couple cash prizes ,and a few comps at some point throughout the weekend.
Passenger taxi rides will be £10 with our comp specced cars/drivers And As with all our drift-inc events FREE TYRE CHANGING all day
again this will be what drift-inc is all about drifting & chilling with mates
On Saturday evening we would like to do something a bit fun just to pass the evening together so before the beers flowing flat out we were thinking of
Wheel changing comp and team tug of war comp
£150 for the both days 9:15-9:30ish till 4:30-5 or when it gets dark and free tyre changing all day
Second driver fee has changed for all future events to £20 per person per day
Camping for driver+1 any additional campers are £10 per person per night
Camping Friday and Saturday night only
No access onsite until 6pm Friday evening when drift-inc staff arrive
Paypal as gift. :::: gtecgarageservices@googlemail.com
PREFERRED - bank transfer
ACC :30210755
Sort. : 56-00-42
Main rules quickly
no passengers
no pets
all convertible cars must have half cage minimum
All drivers to have limbs covered (prefer race suit/ overalls) and lid
All cars front and rear tow eyes fitted
Car to be presentable with body panels secured
No burnout
All tyres to be taken home ( least you can do if we give you free tyre changing )
no idiots
(Can't believe I got to add this )your car MUST HAVE SEATBELT OR HARNESS
and lots of fun to be had
cart track Pembrey 11-12th June
Here we go again Going to just have as much seat time as we can give you ,A couple cash prizes ,and a few comps at some point throughout the weekend.
Passenger taxi rides will be £10 with our comp specced cars/drivers And As with all our drift-inc events FREE TYRE CHANGING all day
again this will be what drift-inc is all about drifting & chilling with mates
On Saturday evening we would like to do something a bit fun just to pass the evening together so before the beers flowing flat out we were thinking of
Wheel changing comp and team tug of war comp
£150 for the both days 9:15-9:30ish till 4:30-5 or when it gets dark and free tyre changing all day
Second driver fee has changed for all future events to £20 per person per day
Camping for driver+1 any additional campers are £10 per person per night
Camping Friday and Saturday night only
No access onsite until 6pm Friday evening when drift-inc staff arrive
Paypal as gift. :::: gtecgarageservices@googlemail.com
PREFERRED - bank transfer
ACC :30210755
Sort. : 56-00-42
Main rules quickly
no passengers
no pets
all convertible cars must have half cage minimum
All drivers to have limbs covered (prefer race suit/ overalls) and lid
All cars front and rear tow eyes fitted
Car to be presentable with body panels secured
No burnout
All tyres to be taken home ( least you can do if we give you free tyre changing )
no idiots
(Can't believe I got to add this )your car MUST HAVE SEATBELT OR HARNESS
and lots of fun to be had