drift works shop...edit order?


hey all i have placed an order, new customer etc and put my address....i have just remembered i wanted the goods to goto a garage and not my house :S bloody fool hey!!

i went back to my order but i cant edit it?
is there somthing im missing or will i need to email/call them? if so anyone got the right email or number please, ideally email and hopefully they will read before they post it out.

thanks :)
scroll down to the very bottom of the page :dw:

or at the top of the page theres a contact tab

or in the forum theres a driftworks shop section

:rolleyes: seriously you've not tried very hard, if at all :wack: :p
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Hi. first orders have to go to the cardholders address. Unfortunately we are subjected to large amounts of card fraud, so we have to take this precaution. :thumbs:
how is protecting yourself (as a company) from being defrauded out of thousands of pounds retarded :wack: :rolleyes:
sorry every site i have used havnt used this?

excuse my comment though just gutted. this rolling road keeps going tits up!!
one thing after another holding it back.

i paid for the next day delivery i should receive it in the morning post i guess on tue?
Just this week alone we have had just under £4000 of chargebacks. Contrary to popular belief using a stolen card to purchase something doesn't mean the loss is absorbed by massive banks or card companies. It is our company that takes the hit. THE WHOLE HIT.
If you think that it's retarded to do whatever we can within reason to try and protect ourselves from going bankrupt because of thieving scum, then you are wrong. I know it's sometimes an inconvenience, and for that we apologise, but Driftworks will not be here much longer if we continue to get done over for this sort of money.
yeah i understand mate i was just annoyed with my car and for that i apoligise.

the item is going where i wanted it to so thanks to you guys for that :)
keep up the good work.