E30 control arms advice needed


New Member
Hey, I was thinking of upgrading my stock control arms to better ones, such as the e46 ones, which I found on ebay. Now the question is, are there any major modifications for this to work? If so, what kind of mods? & also, do you think that this upgrade will be worth it? If not what kind of other control arms do you suggest?

Thanks !!
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E30 LCAs have stiffer ball joints than e36 or e46 LCAs.
E46 will give you a wider track giving you negative camber, they are a straight swap man.
dont you have to use e90 steering stuffs to componsate the extra track?
ive read it somewhere not sure where though
Heard people using e90 parts, no clue why tho. I have e30 LCAs in my e36 that are cut and widened by 35mm each side so wider than e46 LCAs are and I didn't need any e90 parts. Lots of adjustment left in my std steering arms.
Will also need to either grind the e46 arms round to fit e30 "lollipops" or fit e46 60mm poly bushes into the e30 "lollipops".
That's right the e46 LCAs are hex instead of round. You should get 60mm eccentric poly bushes when your at it, will increase caster.