So this week Volvo show us the Performance Drive-E the engine 2.0L with 450hp with 3 turbos without lag. I start to reading some articles to try to understand how this system works. Found some articles on Jalopnik and Autoblog if anyone didn't see it yet. So the system works with 2 turbos + a electric turbo what makes the others 2 spooling and this is what cause no lag (i think). First of all im not engineering so i dont understand to much of this so thats why i creat this thread. First of all how a electric turbo works? The ECU controll the electric turbo and make him to spin transferring air to the others 2 and make them spin both at the same time right? Something like a antilag system?
If this system works like that questions continue to emerge so if the 2 turbos always keep spining they gonna generate heat and friction like the antilag so turbos gonna have less lifetime.So this system is only a antilag 2.0.
Other question is can we apply more pressure to this turbos?
All this question is to try to understand if this system gonna work on Future Drift. On the near future can we apply this into a Sr20det or other engine? What is the advantage of this technology on drift?
What you guys think about this?
If this system works like that questions continue to emerge so if the 2 turbos always keep spining they gonna generate heat and friction like the antilag so turbos gonna have less lifetime.So this system is only a antilag 2.0.
Other question is can we apply more pressure to this turbos?
All this question is to try to understand if this system gonna work on Future Drift. On the near future can we apply this into a Sr20det or other engine? What is the advantage of this technology on drift?
What you guys think about this?