Feedback Jap performance imports ltd ?


New Member
Hello I just wanted to know if anyone knows the company Jap performance imports ltd which only sells a lancer evolution mitsubishi ?

he is in Bristol

Many Feedback ?

Looking around they seem new. According to companies house they incorporated in sept 2018. I cant find a website that matches their information but I have found their Facebook and YT channel.

I have found them on google maps going off their photos etc and they seem to be sharing an estate with a few commercial units. you can see a bugeye Impreza and DC5 Integra with shipping markings still on the windows and that same Intregra is on there FB page. But nothing (at least in the photos) looks like a dealership yet. Not even any signs on the gates yet.!1sUlN2FyWzW4_kmqVHUboOnQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192

Looking at what they have put online they don't seem to have any mechanics either. So I'd ask how they verify the condition of the cars once they have landed as it seems they are putting all their trust in their sources and the guy doing the MOT.

It's actually about 15 mins from my current place I'm tempted to drive over and take a look. But right now I'd maybe go with some one more established if you're going to then export it to France.