I'm thinking of gettin an old sierra as I love retro ford but are they anygood for drifting?
Dunno what the guy above is on about but yeah they're ok, just got pretty crappy steering lock
Had a few there alright not one of the better options out the box but still good for a laugh
Just taking the piss to be honest as there seems to be many questions about is this car or that car any good etc...
I think you'd be better off with an E36 To be honest anyhow, a decent Sierra isn't going to be cheap anymore either I wouldn't have thought as they seem to be getting rare, it'd also be a shame to smash up a tidy old Sierra in my opinion.
check this out there are some more vids aswell
Probably. The Mazda handles brilliantly a floppy old sierra will leave you very underwhelmed unless the suspension has been seen tomy mx5 is the only rwd car I have ever drove and tbh I can't get to grips with how it handles (I admit that it might be me being shit)
Probably. The Mazda handles brilliantly a floppy old sierra will leave you very underwhelmed unless the suspension has been seen to
I think it might be me tbh, however iv watched alot of mx5 being drifted and they all have the problems I have.. Keeping the back end out without spinning is hard work in my eyes. Yet people in longer wheelbase cars (bmw's, skylines) seem to hold the drift better.
I know what you mean, standard sierra engines are pretty poor. I think I will look into an e36 abit more before I make any decisions however I feel I definatly need a bigger car.If you buy a Sierra it will need a lot of work to make it decent in my opinion, the suspension is going to be super soft and probably knackered as well, also the range of engines isn't that great either....
You may see alot of E36's around for the reason that they are good cheap cars so why not get one and see how you go instead of buying a Sierra and having to potentially spend lots of money on it...
Mazda MX5's are quite good little cars to be honest, I actually preferred mine to my E36, yes I guess they are a little twitchy sometimes but they still slide well!
Mx5s are awesome drift cars. Shit lock as standard though. The reason you see so many with problems is mx5s seem to attract owners who couldn't drive a shitty stick up a dogs ass.
The forum is hillarious for almost daily stories of them losing it and crashing 20mph.