Fusion Sub and Amp £25

hug - lo

Active Member
Hi hello,

I have a perfectly good 12" Fusion sub and amp combo thingy!
The amps a 300 watt two channel unit you bridge and off you go!! No been ragged as the car it came out of the previous owner had the gain set to 1 and the amp on it's lowest setting so a very easy life!

No being used so who ever wants it can have it for £25.



Collected from me in leicester, Saturday 14th ideally.


Sam - 07984547974
LOL, Can do tomorrow night dude, i'm at Norfolk arena tomorrow.

I'll PM you my phone no :thumbs:

Deal! £20 quid it is! I gotta make friends some how ay!?! LOL

Time you want to collect? Say 12.30?

can i just say for future ref, anyone else selling one of these for £20, ill be their friend, they can introduce me to their family and everything