geomaster hub knuckles


Hi all,
Been told that the hub knuckles and lower control arms are a good 8 weeks waiting?
Is this correct? and is there any way of me getting a set, even second hand sooner for an event here in SA?
Yes, we are currently looking around 8 weeks, no firm dates yet.
No second hand sets are available either I'm afraid :)
No firm date yet I'm afraid.
I wouldnt want to promise anything we can't achieve.

I'll update you guys when I know more :)
Are these any more/less drum handbrake compatible? Its a bit confusing as the shop says they are but the internet disagrees:wack:
It shouldn't say that :wack:

Changing to a new shop system at the moment, it will be changed ASAP.
Rear drum is something we are working on ;)
Maybe worth a look on zilvia cose a someone has carried out the mods to make it all fit. Lots and lots of modding though. I may just wait or go without a drum, iam more than happy with my wand setup :)