Geomasters bending under normal use?


Active Member
anyone experianced this?

my rear toe arm mount on the hub is now touching the coilover whereas before it was just extremely close.

anyone ever come across this?
cheers guys! :D

ill send some pictures your way too.

BTW for all i know this could be something else going amis. however i've had a good look and cant see any reason why this would happen.

not sure if this may help the quiery but what EXACTLY does my rear traction arm do?

when i jack the car up and the weight is off the rear the coilover does NOT touch the rear toe arm.

when weight is on the rear it touches and has pushed the end of the toe arm backwards from the hub and has therefore pushed the bush right over.

if i lengthen this tracktion rod will it move the toe arm moun on the hub further away from the coilover or vice versa? just to help i may add that the rear tracktion arms are set to stock length and my car is pretty damm low.

pictures of hubs fitted when the car is down may help me out here too.

preferably a picture through the wheel to show how close these things get. i'm sure something is majorly amis with mine.
Pretty sure the rear traction arm controls the thrust angle of the rear hub under bump/rebound. Ie - it twists the hub back/forth to improve "traction" by controlling acceleration forces through the strut. That might be BS but it's how I understand it.

Remove your coilover and ARB on one side and move the suspension through it's arc of travel, the issue might be to do with having the arms all set at the wrong lengths so they bind at your ride height.
right guys my hotmail is fucking up so this is what i have

drivers side





as you can see its pushed the bush out too. also noticed the lower ball joint is touching the bolt that holds the breaks back plate on.

passenger side



this is also my ride height (i want to go lower too)


please help me!

You need to lengthen your traction arm man. At standard length on a car this much lower than stock it has rotated the hub bringing the toe arm mount closer to the coilover. Even though Mitto said leave it standard length. He obviously doesn't have cars that are actually that low :P
First a little observation, passenger side....

Reversing the bolt for the toe rod will give you more clearance...

That's why it looks like one side is sitting different to the other, because you have the bolts opposite ways around.

Next, we've found on low cars with certain alignment/coilover/ride height/etc combos that the bolt to strut clearance becomes an issue, standard strut is TIIINY by comparison.

I'd say you need to try lengthening the traction rod, and also in the past I had this issue on a car (our skyline) with standard hubs and I ended up lengthening the traction rod a bit AND grinding a bit off the head of the bolt. It's got a lip on the head, if I remember I just ground it down to remove the lip which gave a couple of mm more clearance along with the traction rods being a bit longer.

Really on a lowered car with camber and toe corrected the traction rod wants to be lengthened anyway to match, or you get mega toe change under load and the wheel ends up a bit far forward in the arch.

So... try lengthening the traction rod and taking a small amount off the head of the bolt. I don't think the hubs look bent, and I don't think this is a "hub related issue", it's just a low car with XYZ combo of parts and settings that needs a bit of tweaking :)
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Maybe a clever mod for the next generation of Geomasters would be to push the offending bracket further rearward by 10mm to avoid any issues? Then clever guys like Struggle wouldn't struggle :wack:
But wheel clearance would be even more sacrificed and it would change suspension geometry and probably then require a rose joint in the hub instead of a bush.

Nice idea Mike but nothing's ever that simple. :) It just needs to be set up right, the problem comes about from extending 2 of the multi link arms without extending the 3rd.
Cheers for that Bon. I've had the car set up at a place in bit
Birmingham who just left it be. The bolts are only different ways round side to side because one side seems closer. I'll give it a go and get back.

I do think this is a bit of a design flaw though and could be amended. Anything wrong where the bottom ball joint is?? Seems to be touching the breaks back plate.
its not a design flaw its just the combination of your ride height as your car is still to low for the hubs. And the combination of traction, toe and camber arm lengths and angles. They need setting up with zero thrust angle which involves playing with the three arms at once. It then depends on the ride height and where the mounts are on the hubs if its even possible to achieve this. I have set up at least three cars with these hubs on and with the correct height of rollcentre, zero thrust angle is possible the way the hubs are designed which out any contact issues. Have a play around with the combination or get someone that knows to have a look.
agree the easier way out of this is to change the traction arm length to remove the contact problem but really you also need to measure the thrust angle ( toe change during bump and rebound)