Ghetto Fabulous

Alex .E

Hi all. :wave:

Im new to drifting but i have been reading ( dreaming ) for quite some time now, thought a bout a lot of cars but then it hit me in the face > trampdrift :nod:
Found A nice car that was already lowered rollcaged and striped just couldn't resist

picked her up last thuesday

first time i saw here i fell in love

i really like the car although al lot of people disagree :confused:

Here she is my ford sierra a.ka. Ghetto fabulous :nod:

A minor dent on the side :p also notice the ghetto audi rims

and one in the front

Some minor stuff to fix :

Fuel cap thingy won't open :wack: (Almost 0 fuel )
the hatch wont open
rear right door doesn't lock

next week iam gonna look around for a bucket en seatbelts, then i will be good to go :D :dw:
Nice one! Dont worry about dents im sure you will add some more!

Everytime i come on here there is another Tramp witha sierra! :lol:
nice buy alex! :D theres just a little solenoid that unlocks the fuel filler, so look in the boot see if you can get to it, or just get in the gap towards the back of the cap and butcher the piston off/open :) be careful though as the filler cap cover is only plastic.

good luck :)
I would like to hear what the problem in the rear is. My handbrake only locks on the left and if I jack the car up, it could be dangerous. Dangeeeerooous Waaaaaa!!! (Red Dwarf)
it might have rear discs? if so then these are renowned for having a rubbish handbrake. i swapped a rear disc for a rear drum subframe (mostly because the welded diff i had would only fit on push-in drum-brake driveshafts, but partly because my handbrake was rubbish). my new handbrake is pretty good i cant complain :no:

try checking the pads if it is the disc brake rear, failing that i think you can adjust the handbrake cable on the actual caliper which might be worth looking into :) good luck fixing the problem
Welcome Alex, cool ride. With drift scars into the bargain! good to see people are realising you dont have to spend ££££ on a trick car to have fun.

The plastic fuel flaps are pretty flexible, get a flat screwdriver or slim peice of metal and push it in where the catch is (9 o'clock position looking at the cap) and lver it gently. should pop out. Some sierras had a plastic toggle in the boot to open the flap, too so check that first!!!!
Thanks all for the welcome.

feul cap thingy is now fixed, well sort of i can get it open that's good enough for now.

have to make it road legal first :D

has anyone have experience with a sparco sprint bucketseat?
and can the orginal moutings of the stock seat be used for a bucket?

what is the dark gray stuff? sound deading?

Home made strut :D

costed me 355 euro and 5 packs of marlboro :wack: not too bad i think
nice strut brace. the grey stuff is sound deadening yes you can scrape it off to save weight.

as for the seats, ive got a cheap (horrible) side mount bucket seat which i mounted on the standard subframe. i drilled a couple of holes on the normal ford subframe, put some 90degree angle peices of aluminium on the subframe, and mounted onto the side of the seat.

Just killed the sierra :( ( Now a few weeks ago )

while trying to drift i sort of hit a curb just a litte too hard, 2 rims are f* up 1 spring and steering cullonm ( ?!? ) broke along with some other stuff.
not too sure if she will survive it might just be easier to make spare parts of it?

Might need to go to germany and find a even cheaper drift bargain :D and use it for drift only. so no insurance and crap

Along with the damaged sierra i also manged the bring down a streetsign in the proces :smash: :wack:



Walked 12km home with the sign in a t-shirt and in the rain @ 2.30 Am :no: :wack: not something i wanna do anytime soon agian
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that sucks!

fortunately, sierra's cost shit :D, so get a new one, and just drift it again

ow and err:
