Liam Wardle

New Member
Hi guys!

me and a few friends have decided to do our own private days. We’ve done a few days now and drivers love them! Limited tickets = maximum seat time!

these days are aimed to be completely different to any other day you can book on, bringing a community, friendly and helpful atmosphere to the day.

our days include:
Free breakfast for drivers
Free lunch (pizza) for drivers
Free drinks
Help with getting your driving right if wanted by some experienced drifters
Raffles with the chance to win money off our next days, hoodies and sometimes awesome prizes like BDC spectator tickets!

at the moment our days are held at Birmingham wheels but we are aiming to branch out to other bigger tracks in the near future!

If you are interested on dates etc feel free to follow us on insta @happy.dayz.drift or fb group is simple ‘happy dayz’

we look forward to seeing some of you guys at our coming events!
Very interested in these days especially with the friendly and helpful atmosphere which is a big thing for me on drift days ill give you a follow on I g now I'm called #THE1STBLACKDRIFTKING
Very interested in these days especially with the friendly and helpful atmosphere which is a big thing for me on drift days ill give you a follow on I g now I'm called #THE1STBLACKDRIFTKING

Thanks for the interest dude super excited for new people to join! We look forward to having you