[HD PICS] DWYB Drift Day - 14th of May. 2014


New Member
Hi everyone, first time for me today at Santa Pod with my recently bought 1.8 MX5, which I didn't drift though as it's nowhere near ready. I took a quite a few pictures though as usual and many videoclips aswell, which will come out in all togheter whole video soon. Meanwhile enjoy the pictures and tag yourself if you're on FB!

ALBUM LINK: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.663852967003573.1073741852.474334195955452&type=1











These are decent pictures. Not sure what's different about them but they definitely look better than normal..
Awesome pics, great work! Much nicer than the ones by the 'official' photographers that I saw. Are you the chap with the white MX5? I'm the joker in the silver MX5 :)
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^^^hahahaha^^^ someone is going to be grinding their teeth.

its because the sun was out, everything is awesome when the sun shines.
Awesome pics, great work! Much nicer than the ones by the 'official' photographers that I saw. Are you the chap with the white MX5? I'm the joker in the silver MX5 :)

Don't be so rude! That was uncalled for , and a shitty first post!

They are processed quite heavily so have an arty look to them which you may like but Ian's photos are straight out of the camera and razor sharp whilst having just the right amount of motion blur , its also how he makes a living (aside from being a Louie Spence impersonator) and more importantly aren't up for review here so why the bashing???
my first time at pod in my 350 wednesday, and thought Ians Pictures were crisp and a nice variety, but the above great although very worked on
Don't be so rude! That was uncalled for , and a shitty first post!

They are processed quite heavily so have an arty look to them which you may like but Ian's photos are straight out of the camera and razor sharp whilst having just the right amount of motion blur , its also how he makes a living (aside from being a Louie Spence impersonator) and more importantly aren't up for review here so why the bashing???

Hey, just stating an opinion - let's not get carried away, please? I haven't bashed anything. I just said that I thought the photos posted in this thread were nicer than the ones available (at a price​) that I saw at the event. I didn't say they were bad, poorly composed, in bad taste, talentless, anything like that, which would be bashing.

Perhaps I should have added that they were nicer, in my opinion. I should have made it clear that I was just stating a preference, sorry.

I just made a comparison here with the aim of encouragement. Can't I voice an opinion?
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my first time at pod in my 350 wednesday, and thought Ians Pictures were crisp and a nice variety, but the above great although very worked on

I loved watching you drive the 350 on the advanced track. So fast, fruity sounding and smokey. I hope you'll come to another in the future!
Hi everyone and thanks to whoever appreciates my work. I like to edit my pictures to enhance their look but as you may have noticed I don't abuse of the editing application, which in this case is Lightroom. Yes I try to give them an "arty" kind of look and photography is one of my hobbies, not my job (unfortunately). Nowadays all pictures that you see on the internet/magazines are most likely to be edited, even slightly, so I don't see why I should feel guilty about it if I'm happy with them. In my opinion you need to take good shots first of all, and you need to be meticolous to do so, otherwise no post production work will be enough to enhance them. I'm so sorry I didn't manage to take any shots of what I believe to be your car Bolf. Anyway I'm currently putting togheter a good bunch of videoclips so there will be a video about the day aswell. Thanks Zaidan for your compliments and yes as you now know who I am, the white MX5 is mine!