How accessible is DW HQ?


Just a quick question, how accessible is the DW HQ for silly low cars? Just thought about a trip up to check out the nardi's but dunno if my splurged would still be attached when I got there :D

If you watch dukes of hazard, the bridge scene where the jump over a small stream thing was actually filmed on dw drive way, you have to be able to clear this jump to even get close to dw. Lol
It's a secret compound guarded by an angry Bon

Its so secret, I couldn't even find it first attempt even with directions haha

it is in a maze, or just follow the skid marks haha

If you watch dukes of hazard, the bridge scene where the jump over a small stream thing was actually filmed on dw drive way, you have to be able to clear this jump to even get close to dw. Lol

All these are true verified statements of fact
Unacessable I'm afraid, non of us have low cars...


haha smart arse :D I mean the journey to get there from whichever motorway you come of, like im not going to leave the motorway and run straight into a speed bump of epic proportions am i lol.

You guys know the area so know best routes etc?

Also how low is low :p

Lol clarkey thats the answer i was waiting for! :thumbs:
i think youd need to ask them. as they probably dont want hundreds of randomers getting up wanting to chat while there working tbh
i found the best way was by narrowboat, took me 6 days from Milton Keynes, and nobody was in when I got there.
took me 12 days via camel........ then my camel was stolen twas a long walk home never even made it to DW hq :-(
Bit of a weird question really?!

The roads are fine here, no speedbumps within my 3 mile commute, its the centre of Birmingham. Of course it depends where you're coming from, I don't know the ins and outs of the entire UK road network :D

Like mentioned we are mailorder, collection is possible but please arrange the order and collection date with us before hand! We're really busy at the moment, feel free to give us a call or email :)

Cheers, Kam.
Kam, I'm sure in your personal time after work you could go chart a good map with all the speed bump locations in the area.. maybe even do little ridge points like you get on a map of mountings to show the hight of any speed bumps.. the largest speed bump you can find you can call Everest-Bump :)
Thats fair enough, cheers mate.

Sat nav's should have speed bumps marked on them, would save alot of ballache and smashed splitters :D
Thats fair enough, cheers mate.

Sat nav's should have speed bumps marked on them, would save alot of ballache and smashed splitters :D

No worries. Also, there's really good Nardi images in the shop too, click the pictures for a slightly bigger version.