How much Weight Saved ?


Righto, ive finished stripping the Interior of my S13, even got rid of the Tar, only have the door cards, seats and dash left.

How much weight has my cars diet helped it to shed ?

enough to be very noticeable:) I never weighed all the stuff that came out of mine, but if you go and drive it'll you'll see its enough to be worth the blood, sweat and tears :wack:
My 14a lost in excess of 100kg's.. The best thing to do is weigh all the stuff you took out, or just get the car weighed and subtract that from a standard 13 :)
only been in astripped out mini before(such a thing:P) but it was ..balfwe you know what im tryin to say like it had nothin non essential to driving in it.. and it sounded mental (more noise :thumbs:) and much quick

you lost 100kg.. damn thats so much .. sooo shouldnt ever have that much in them in 1st place... sooooo much
well so far, and ive still got at least 10kg of sound deadning scum left to remove and fit my 1 bucket seat, ive lost 110 kg.
suppose once ive ditched both seats, fitted my bucket and removed sound deadning it be around 130kg or not far off :nod:
you included the air con pump and assorted shite with that phil? did you remove both airbags also? :thumbs:
sammysideways said:
is it just me or are removing air bags ever so slightly scarey :(

If you are wearing a full harness you won't get near the airbag anyway. It will just burn your face if you are not wearing a helmet.
sammysideways said:
is it just me or are removing air bags ever so slightly scarey :(

No they scare me just being there :wack: Ive only crashed it once seriously and dont think id like an air bag trying to kill me too :smash:
^they junked the PS! are they mental! :wack:

removing airbags is nothing to worry about, especially when you follow the recommended Nissan procedure, eh mat? hahahaha
My Civic weighs 890kg. standard is 1040-80 depending on who you go by.

No carpet
No Sound Proofing
No rear seats or any rear plastics.
Sparco Seats.
Cf Sunroof Bung
Cf Bonnet
Cf Tailgate
Cf Spoiler
No P/S
Lightweight Battery
Lightweight Wheels and Nuts

Just need manual window mechanisms and I'm done.
I had to take the interior out of my car to get the welding done and the car suddenly drove so nice that the interior was never put back in.

As for airbags, I can't stand them, I know of too many problems they have caused people.
matt said:
removing airbags is nothing to worry about, especially when you follow the recommended Nissan procedure, eh mat? hahahaha

yeah, like the manual says "use hammer and chisel to break the fucker out. after doing this, connect to battery and make big bang. NB. if in doubt phone matt geordie who will teall you its far batter to stack two airbags and then make bang as they go higher..." :smash: :wack:

ps. matt T aka geordie aka nissan technical apprentice type person for nissan :wack: