Huge thanks to driftworks but....


Sr20 parts man!
Just like to say masive thanks for the 1st class service with the order and dealings with my new HSD's! Sent Bon a message asking if he had any idea when il get them, he rang me right away telling me exactly when theyl be with me! Top class

But ................
Where the fuck is my wham bar :( instead I got a bloody lanyard! WTF, the only reason I went for HSD was for the wham bar :p lol
I sent my rope back with the my wrong stearing wheel in good faith it would of been returned :( I think DPD stole it....:wack:
yeah i got a shitty keyring rope when i wanted sweets

the missus has banned sweets after xmas, but if they are free in the post :D
I was well happy with my keyring rope... albeit I got that on a low value order, but got a single sweetie (not even a wham bar!!!!) on a high value order, lolz

I joke, i joke, somethings better than nothing... unless its an STD.
We'll stop sending out "shitty" freebies then eh ;)
No pleasing some people...
Do you not realise that polo cant lure kids in to his " van " with a laynard. He was counting on that wham bar and you FAILED him

DW, hang your head in shame
A lanyard? You guys are sending out lanyards now? That's amazing. Albeit maybe not quite as good as the infamous Wham bar! Daymn, need to order something to get a DW lanyard! :dw: