Hydrualic Handbrake

Do you gues still have any of the older 2 position handrakes in stock. I dont like the uprights so was after the one that locks into the normal position too...
Whay have you gone back to the old one..? Something wrong/bad with the CompBrake handbrake? Is it still posible to by the compbrake hydr. handbrake?
We just had a lot of requests for the old style switchable handbrake, the compbrake one was great but not a very flexible design.

The main reason for changing to the compbrake design was due to people breaking the handles, but we've since realised it was only ever due to incorrect fitting/use meaning the handle is put under strains it was never designed for. If fitted correctly the handbrake will never break! I've had one in my Chaser for 2 years with no sign of it breaking, damage only occurs if you either position the handbrake in a position where you pull it sideways and flex it, or if you adjust it incorrectly and max out the handle's travel constantly.
I'm afraid we don't, sorry! The original DW handbrake is a much more flexible design though, easier to fit since it has more range of adjustment and obviously can be used vertically or horizontally.