Interesting point there.
I've been reviewing the options of getting into drifting. As far as I see it, you could buy a Cat C write off car (not sure what that is in the states) for cheap (like a 350Z), and this will give you a few spare £1,000's vs a normal car to undertake some fundamental mods. Downside with this is you cant just jump straight into it, but it is the cheapest option.
Second option, buy something standard ish and spend the money to get it to the spec you want it. More pricey, but you get the car you want.
Third option, buy something already modified, save yourself the hassle but then you are picking up someone else's project.
I'm really torn between all these. A 350z is a good starting car, and from what I have seen US prices are sensible. In the US, you also have more access to LS options for upgrading than you do over here in the UK.
If you are just getting into this, you need to consider how you will feel if you crash the car on the first outing. Really, this comes down to where you will play, is it a big open space, or is it a track with walls etc where you can cause damage. I'm considering the first route I mentioned, because it will be a cheap car, that if I hit I wont be crying. Any bits I put on it can be put onto the next car when it does go wrong. The second option, you could do that, but if you hit it its just going to look like option 1 car anyway!
Option 3, having stumbled accross a few american cars on my searches, you can pick up some pretty decent cars within your budget, however, having something say 500bhp with all the kit may be a bit OTT for your first outting, and again, put it in the wall and you will be in tears.
If it was me I'd be looking to buy a good spec turn key option that somebody else has already ploughed all of their time and money into.
That would in all probability be a far less stressful route to go down. It's likely to be cheaper in the long run and if you buy wisely there's more chance of you actually getting seat time and enjoying your investment rather than getting bored of a half built car that's sat in your garage gathering dust before you eventually resort to selling it/breaking it for parts.
Edit: Just to add (admittedly I'm not too clued up on prices over there) but I noticed a few months back when I was in Florida that there seem to be an abundance of 350z's on the roads in the US.
Personally I think people should now be looking to later Nissan's such as the 350z (where parts are relatively cheap and plentiful) rather than going for a default 'S' body.