as above, built this car up for the sis in late 03/early 04. was driven that summer and done a few shows etc and has been garaged since.
mint shell with new genuine toyota drivers door and passenger door skin. car was stripped and painted in saab 95 met blue. 1.3 dx lump, 5 spd box, lowered on type r superlites with 175,50s, 4 cibies, mint wee car.
the car is not getting enough use so better to go to someone who ill get her out and about where she should be.
car would need about a days work (brakes sticking etc from lack of use) and shes ready for the road.
contact declan on 086 8709191, 4200 euro, no silly offers or p/ex please.
mint shell with new genuine toyota drivers door and passenger door skin. car was stripped and painted in saab 95 met blue. 1.3 dx lump, 5 spd box, lowered on type r superlites with 175,50s, 4 cibies, mint wee car.
the car is not getting enough use so better to go to someone who ill get her out and about where she should be.
car would need about a days work (brakes sticking etc from lack of use) and shes ready for the road.
contact declan on 086 8709191, 4200 euro, no silly offers or p/ex please.