Lexus IS200

Just had one of these in at work and I can get it for a good price.
Are they any good for drifting or a bit crap?
Chassis is excellent, but the UK engine is a bit weak :( Japanese Beams 3SGE is the motor it needs!

Depends on what IS200 she is, the IS200 Sports have an LSD fitted, but they are fairly light on BHP. Your best bet is the Beam's Engined Altezza from Japan. A 4 Cylinder 270 Brake [i think] screamer..
Not sure how helpful this would be but i'm pretty sure there are supercharger kits available for the uk motor. From what i know they RS200's are pretty popular for drifting in Japan though.
The IS200 owners club had superchargers and turbos available for there motors at JAE.

Personally I think that they are excellent cars, ideal for drifting if you can sort the power out
What you wanna do is fit a well tuned 13b in there on a custom made crossmember set so far back and low that its almost mid engined ;) :) ;) :)

J :D
a couple of issues back Dori Ten had a big feature on altezzas. soooo nice, its weird seeing a 'luxury' car gutted and caged:)
Bladerider said:
What you wanna do is fit a well tuned 13b in there on a custom made crossmember set so far back and low that its almost mid engined ;) :) ;) :)

J :D

Hmmm, that rings a bell.;)