Looking for a first car


New Member
Hey I'm about to get my license and really want to get into drifting but I don't know what kind of car I should get for my first drift car. Any thoughts or suggestions?
Try to insure an mx5, if you can't get a sensible quote then don't bother. Wait til you're 23 or so, it'll be far more realistic then.
tbh, It was 3x the cost for me to insure an MX5, as apposed to my JZX100....

So ..... :S
500 sheets fully comp; everything declared, 6 points and a on going personal injury claim (not me).

MX5 was going to cost me in the region £1600..

All the insurance companies just make this shit up.
That's crazy. I was quoted £900 for a chaser and thought it was reasonable considering I was quoted similar for an EP3. I might need to look into it a bit more.
Shitron Saxo 1.1 with Mcdonalds trays m9

On the subject of insurance my s14a was the EXACT same price to the penny as my Passat tdi daily, insurance quotes are picked out of a hat
Hey I'm about to get my license and really want to get into drifting but I don't know what kind of car I should get for my first drift car. Any thoughts or suggestions?

Using my Sherlock Holmes skills, starts sentence with "Hey", uses the phrase "get my license", "kind of car I should get", posts at 0344hrs (UK time). I believe you are from the US, so a 1.8 Miata with a view to a doing a turbo conversion or LS swap in the future would be ideal.

Ian. :)