LSD Hunting, can anyone help?


Yer, fookin' Volvoooo!
As soon as the Astra goes, I am getting a Manta as a cheap drift slag.
The one I'm looking at is pretty much sorted as is, apart from the open diff spoiling the party. :dermal:
I've tried looking for one on the internet without sucess, Phatbob also deserves a shout for helping us out, but I am still LSDless. :cry:
Quaife want 500 for a new one, but tbh, I'd prefer not to put a 500 quid LSD on a car costing me 850 all in! :wack:
Does anyone else have any suggestions where I can go to find an LSD for her? Its a 1987 Exclusive Coupe that I am looking at. Would really prefer to leave the Diff Unwelded as it would cost me a fortune in tyres.
Any help would be very much appreciated.
May be worth trying some of the Amateur Drivers Clubs... A lot of them still use RWD cars of the era...
Quife is a Torque Biasing Unit for a start so its no good for drifting anywho..
Decent LSD will eat the tyres almost as much as a welded diff anyway.

Just run cheap/free tyres dude. If you ever see any you can get, grab em and stack em up. parents love me, the tyre fitter style back garden and oil covered driveway that we have now... :wack: