Looking for some advice on driving to Lydden Hill in a daily. What are the roads like around the track? Any potential hazards/speed bumps etc as the car is pretty damm low at the front. Will be coming from Cambridge way. Cheers.
its straight off the motorway. theres a road roughly 50 metres up to the gate which is fine for low cars. the road from the gate to the pits is pot holed and rough along the top but ok after that. and my car was lower than most so youll be fine
its straight off the motorway. theres a road roughly 50 metres up to the gate which is fine for low cars. the road from the gate to the pits is pot holed and rough along the top but ok after that. and my car was lower than most so youll be fine
Hi, i've missed the last day at lydden due to my car broken down at 11pm the day before the event. i sent a message to lydden hill but i have no response. So my question is : will i get a free next event entry or discount for next event given that i paid the last event in full and couldnt manage to get there. Thank you
Does anyone know where i can find some pictures from yesterday? i saw a lot of photographers around the track but i dont know how to get hold of them. Thanks , Leo (silver e34)