Lydden hill novice days

Hi I'm looking to book a drift day at lydden soon, I've read about novice days and probably wouldn't be able to keep up on a normal day. I'm pretty confident linking corners now but never been to lydden before so don't want to jump in the deep end !

Does anyone know how to go about booking a novice day ?
I went to lydden for the first time in the novice/inters class, didn't have any issues really.. if you cant drift the corners you can always just drive round them till you get the hang of it..
Yeah go there as a beginer its a good place to learn but dont be a twat, book into the novice group until your confident enough to link most of the track. Way to many people book into the wrong group thinking they are better than they are but just end up causing problems.

If you dont wanna drift a corner drive it but do it fast, there has been plenty of times I have had to keep my foot in a steer past people driving round chessons to slow, I only have a 323 so cant back off round there or I lose it.
cool thanks for the advice guys, does anyone have a link to booking a novice day ? as i can only find one booking thing on lydden's website
They run days with all groups. Just phone up to book and they ask what group you wanna go into