You need to visit Roman is the man for turboing these engines.
His own w124 m103 ran over 600bhp for a few years on stock internals. Check out the many videos on youtube.
Great engine great car great idea!
His blue w124 is sick! seen alot of projects and people doing this, but none have really gone in depth thou
I know more or less what to do in theory.. only turbo engine I've worked on is ca18det S13 engine
Peachparts forum is the home of Roman (PUMPISH); JORETO & myself. Our build threads are the stickies @ top of the 'Performance Paddock' forum on this site.
JORETO's thread would be the most informative for basic starter info. I am using LPI injection so, proly not able to help too much from my thread but, I can give you basic info & plenty of boosting info/advice.
Here is the link below to Performance Paddock forum:
I would have thought you'd be familiar with these cars located in that side of the world? Roman lives in Sweden. Racer is another member & I have some sweet performance parts being built in Estonia for my M103. I can point you to him if you like?