My red "euro Levin" on e bay

Thats pretty cool actually, maybe someone could buy it and start a euro lvein drift team with Will. :wack:
Black Betty said:
Alrite brother Rikard! What sort of money you after for the euro levin? In Pounds sterling would be a great help too! :D
Brother Betty, I am looking for something in the region of £2000, I think that is a fair price for a car in that condition :) :D
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£2000 is a fair price brother rikard! I'll get Will to buy it for me and i can pay him back in monthly installments! haha (what you reakon bro will?? haha)

That should sell easy mate! Good luck with it, if i had the cash id have it asap! :p
-WJ- said:
yeah, I knew what it ment, just wanted to know how much it was :)
I knew that! :) hmm, not! :) Yes the reseve price is around the £2000 range at the moment, will probably lower it in the next few days if e gay will let me! :smash: