Need a welded diff fitted in essex


New Member
Hi guys

I'v got this welded diff sitting on my bedroom floor and it looks like I'm gona need someone to fit it to my s14a for me. So if anyone can recommend a garage or workshop close to essex that could do the job that would be great. Thanks guys
It's fairly easy if you've got a jack, axle stands and some spanners/sockets :)

If not, there's Marshall at M'n'M Engineering, look them up on facebook. Think he's more Kent way but still not far.
Hi guys

I'v got this welded diff sitting on my bedroom floor and it looks like I'm gona need someone to fit it to my s14a for me. So if anyone can recommend a garage or workshop close to essex that could do the job that would be great. Thanks guys

im in colchester if you needed a hand, its pretty easy
Think he's more Kent way but still not far.